10 Tips To Unblock Fallopian Tubes Naturally With Herbs by Aasha Ayurveda - 9811773770

Tubal blockage is a common problem causing infertility and so here we shall discuss some natural herbs used in unblocking the blocked fallopian tubes.
Fallopian tubes are a part of the female reproductive system that connects the ovaries to the uterus. It is the place where fertilization takes place after the egg and sperm meet. The fertilized zygote then travels to the uterus for implantation.

If one of the tube is blocked, pregnancy might take place but if both the tubes are blocked it is impossible to get pregnant naturally. The blockage in the tubes may occur due to pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, fibroids, sexually transmitted disease etc. Pelvic inflammatory disease is the most common cause of tubal blockage. Natural herbs heal the infection and unblock the tubes.

There are many natural remedies for blocked fallopian tube. The herbs have anti-inflammatory property that helps in reducing the inflammation. It reduces the associated pain and prevents further development of scars. The anti-biotic property in herbs helps in fighting infection in the reproductive system. The ayurvedic therapies improves blood circulation and helps in healing the infected fallopian tube.

Mentioned below are some of the herbs that assist in natural treatment for blocked fallopian tubes -

1) Echinacea pallida enhances immunity and has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is one of the best herb to fight infections causing tubal blockage.

2) Goldenseal or Hydrastis canadensis reduces inflammation and protects the fallopian from damage due to an infection. It also reduces pain and is a powerful herb for female reproductive system.

3) Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) is well known for improving blood circulation to the reproductive organs. improved blood circulation reduces inflammation of the fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus.

4) Usnea spp has anti microbial property and usnic acid that fights against bacterial infection. It treats sexually transmitted diseases that infects fallopian tube and causes blockage.

5) Dioscorea villosa balances the hormones and maintains the reproductive health of a woman.

6) Arctostaphylos uva ursi is very beneficial in eliminating the toxicity from the body. It drains the excess fluid in the tubes.

7) Angelica sinensis improves blood circulation, is a pain reliever and has anti-inflammatory properties.
8) Paeonia officinalis is excellent for balancing hormones. It balances the estrogen level, lowers testosterone and increase progesterone.
9) Hawthorn is rich in antioxidants and is one of the best herbs that naturally remove the tubal blockage.
10) Lodhra is recommended to boost fertility and unblock fallopian tubes.
Apart from the above mentioned herbs Panchakarma therapy especially basti therapy has a significant result in treating blocked tubes. The therapy includes administration of medicated ghee/oil/decoction through the vaginal or uterine route.

 If you are seeking natural treatment for infertility visit Aasha Ayurveda known as one of the best ayurvedic infertility specialist clinics in Delhi.  

There are many good tubal blockage centers/tubal blockage doctors in Delhi.
 One may approach a gynecologist or a general surgeon for tubal blockage treatment in Delhi.
Dr Chanchal Sharma at Aasha Ayurveda specializes in infertility treatment especially in administering basti therapy. The therapy is little complicated and demands a specialized hand on it.

Aasha Ayurveda Kerala Panchakarma Centre gives 90% successful treatment in Tubal Blockage. Call Us - 9811773770

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