Fallopian Tube Blockage Treatment Without Surgery | Aasha Ayurveda

Fallopian tube is one of the most essential parts of women when it comes to fertility. Getting pregnant with blocked fallopian tubes is difficult but not impossible. There are many ways to treat this complication, and your doctor also advises you on the best treatment according to your needs. Want some knowledge of  Fallopian Tube Blockage Treatment. It is very important to visit the tubal blockage treatment center in Delhi.
If your fallopian tubes are blocked by small amounts of scar tissue or adhesions, your doctor can use laparoscopic surgery to remove the blockage and open the tubes. If your fallopian tubes are blocked by large amounts of scar tissue or adhesions, treatment to remove the blockages may not be possible. Don't feel scared because now you will get Fallopian Tube Blockage Treatment Without Surgery.

Common Symptoms Of Blocked Fallopian Tubes

There are often no symptoms related to fallopian tube blockage. People come to know about this when they try to conceive and face trouble in the same. HSG (Hysterosalpingogram ) is a technique to know about Fallopian Tube condition. Then, Fallopian tube treatment can be done.

We may suspect a tubal blockage in endometriosis, adenomyosis and tuberculosis patients. Also, some people feel regular pain on one side of the iliac region because of hydrosalpinx. It also creates a tubal blockage. If you want to Hydrosalpinx Ayurvedic Treatment You can get more about Ayurvedic Treatment for Blocked Fallopian Tubes in Hindi at Aasha Ayurveda.

What to Know about Hydrosalpinx 

Hydrosalpinx is the name for a condition in which a woman's fallopian tube becomes blocked with fluid. There are different causes for this condition and symptoms can vary depending on the individual. Some women do not experience any symptoms, but hydrosalpinx can have a severe impact on fertility. Know more about Hydrosalpinx Treatment in Ayurveda

If you have one open tube and are otherwise healthy, you might be able to get pregnant without too much help. Your doctor may give you fertility drugs to increase the chances of ovulating on the side with the open tube. This is not an option, however, if both tubes are blocked.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Fallopian Tubal Blockage

Ayurvedic treatment is the most successful treatment for Female infertility Treatment in Delhi. The treatment promotes the use of Ayurvedic herbs which were created ages ago. Aasha Ayurveda promotes the natural ayurvedic tubal blockage treatment in Delhi with the help of Panchakarma.

Fallopian tube blockage treatment in Ayurveda has a key factor that is Uttar Basti. Uttar Basti is a procedure where medicated oil is embedded in the uterus which is practiced for 3 whole days and 3 additional days. This system settles Adhesions, Inflammation and so on in fallopian tubes and along these lines opens the tubes. There are practically 90% shots for the opening of tubes. According to Ayurveda, gynaecological disorders are caused by aggravated Vata. Therefore, it is necessary to suppress the vata/ vayu.

So, vata suppressive snehan (oleation), swedan (fomentation) and basti karma should be applied.

  • Snehana (oleation) whih can be done by balatail(sesame oil)
  • Nadiswedana or kumbhisweda (fomentation) – it is done on lower abdomen
followed by warm water bath and vata suppressive meal
  • Yoni prakshalanam – it is the purification process for genital organs with trifalakwatha or kariradikwatha
  • Uttarabasti- it is done with oil or kwath (decoction) made by sour matter.

Other than this, treatment for blocked fallopian tubes includes panchakarma treatment like vaman, virechana according to the patient necessity with the ayurvedic medications.

Natural Things to try for tubal blockage- 

  1. Vitamin C  
  2. Turmeric  
  3. Ginger  
  4. Garlic  
  5. Lodhra 
  6. Dong quai  
  7. Ginseng  
  8. Vaginal steaming 
  9.   Fertility massage 
  10. Castor oil
  11. Exercise 
  12. Reduce alcohol intake  
  13. Yoga   
  14. Meditation 
  15. Improving diet 

You can go to Aasha Ayurveda for the best ayurvedic treatment. This ayurvedic treatment center in Rajouri Garden also promotes the Kerala Panchakarma Treatment and the doctor here has experience of treating tubal blockages for more than 5 years. 

For More Information, Call Us:  +91 9811773770
Visit Website:      Aasha Ayurveda

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