How to Unblock Fallopian Tubes Naturally with Herbs

Tubal blockage is the most common cause of infertility in females. We shall discuss here some of the natural treatment to unblock the tubes.

Fallopian tubes connect to the uterus. They are tiny tubules that extend towards the ovaries on both sides. The tubes are the pathways in which the egg travels from the ovaries into the uterus. Any kind of blockage in this prevents the eggs from meeting sperms for fertilization.

It is observed that females know about tubal blockage only when they undergo infertility treatment.

The fallopian tubes may get blocked or get damaged due to certain conditions in the woman’s body. The blockage may occur in different areas of the blocked tube. Most common conditions that causes tubal blockage includes endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, genital tuberculosis, uterine fibroids, surgery such as cesarean section. 

In modern medicine procedure to unblock fallopian tubes include surgery, salpingectomy, salpingostomy and fimbrioplasty. These procedures have around 20% to 30% pregnancy success rate.

Besides low chances of pregnancy the procedure has certain side effects such as regrowth of scar and adhesions, risk of pelvic infection and ectopic pregnancy.

Natural treatment for blocked fallopian tubes, have significant results without any side effects. We shall discuss here how to unblock fallopian tubes naturally with herbs and certain therapies.

1)        Abdominal massage- it is a natural therapy to improve the tubal health. It increases blood circulation and is beneficial in removing the adhesions. The massage clears the blocked tubes, reduces inflammation, enhances blood circulation and helps in loosening the tight-twisted tissues.

2)        Fertility cleansing through panchakarma therapy removes the toxins from the reproductive system and improves the blood circulation. Before starting any medication it is important to eliminate the toxins for better absorption of the medicines and hence soon recovery.

3)        Castor oil has been used for ages for healing certain issues in the body and mainly reproductive system. A cloth soaked in castor oil then applied on the skin enhances circulation and heals the tissues and organs beneath it. It has better result when used with abdominal fertility massage.
4)        Quit smoking and alcohol- both of these is a havoc on woman fertility.

5)        Vitamin C helps in healing the infection that causes tubal blockage.

6)        Stress is the major cause of infertility. Meditating in morning and evening balances the hormone level and brings calmness in mind and body.

7)        Consume garlic, ginger, cinnamon and turmeric. These are effective in reducing inflammation, improving blood circulation and thus prevents tubal blockage.

8)        Marma therapy (acupressure) clears the body channels by applying pressure on pressure points. the therapy is beneficial in unblocking the fallopian tubes by reducing inflammation and thus promotes healing.

Fallopian tube blockage treatment in Ayurveda includes use of natural herbs and panchakarma therapy. The benefit of panchakarma therapy has been discussed earlier.

Ayurvedic treatment for tubal blockage includes selection of herbs, which have properties such as anti- inflammatory, circulatory, antibiotic and hormonal balancing. 

The herb with antibiotic properties helps in healing any kind of infection existing in reproductive system or fallopian tubes.

Anti-inflammatory herb reduces inflammation, pain and thus heals the scar. 

Herb with circulatory properties increases blood circulation in the reproductive system. Proper circulation is critical in healing the fallopian tubes.

Hormonal balancing has a vital role in proper functioning of the fallopian tubes.

Ayurvedic doctors for tubal blockage recommend uttara basti as the treatment of choice for unblocking the tubes. Uttara basti involves administration of medicated enema through vaginal route. Medicated oil such as kumari taila, apamarga kshara, yavakshara etc are used.

Tubal blockage is one of the leading causes of infertility. If you are facing tubal blockage consult the ayurvedic doctor. Aasha Ayurvedic centre for treatment of blocked fallopian tube in Rajouri Garden, has shown marvelous results in unblocking the tubes and has helped many women’s dream come true. Dr Chanchal Sharma is an expertise in fallopian tube treatment in Delhi. 

For More Information, Call Us:  +91 9811773770
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