We shall discuss here the causes of miscarriage and the ayurvedic treatment and therapies for preventing miscarriage . The loss of fetus within 20 weeks of pregnancy is called miscarriage or abortion or spontaneous abortion. According to the research 8-20% of pregnant women face miscarriage and 80% of miscarriage occurs within 12 weeks of pregnancy. First three months of pregnancy is crucial as there is maximum chances of miscarriage. The improper development of fetus, certain infections, hormonal imbalance, diabetes, problem in cervix or uterus and thyroid disease causes miscarriage. According to Ayurveda garbha sraava or garbha paat is correlated to miscarriage. Idiopathicw factors, chromosomal defect, infection-maternal or fetal, anatomical abnormalities of reproductive system, hormonal imbalance, late secretory phase impregnation or age factor, physical or psychological trauma, unfavorable diet and lifestyle and aggravated vayu located in shukra causes miscarriage...