Can You Get Pregnant with a Blocked Fallopian Tube? | Aasha Ayurveda - 9811773770

Can you expect to receive water from a pipe that is blocked? The answer is off course NO. In the same way, one can’t get pregnant with both the fallopian tubes blocked unless treated. However one may get pregnant with one of the tubes blocked. To understand this lets first discuss the process of fertilization and the role of fallopian tubes.
Fertilization takes place when a sperm meets the egg. The eggs in a woman is released from ovaries and fallopian tubes acts as a pathway where fertilization takes place. Blocked fallopian tubes is one of the common cause of infertility. There might be a partial blockage which increases the chances of tubal pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy.
It is possible to get pregnant naturally with blocked fallopian tubes. This may sound impossible, as there is no clear pathway for the eggs. In some cases the blockage may be due to inflammation, abnormal growth and mucus obstruction. Such situations can easily be treated through natural therapies.
Ayurvedic Concept Of Blocked Fallopian Tubes
Artavaha srotas covers the complete female reproductive system and fallopian tubes are one of the important structures of artavaha srotaas since they carry bija rupi artava. According to Ayurveda tubal blockage is due to vata dominant tridoshaj condition. This means there is disturbance of all the three doshas that is vata-pitta-kapha in which vata dosha is the most aggravated one. Vata causes constriction of the tubes. Pitta causes inflammation and kapha dosha causes swelling. Blocked fallopian tubes causes infertility (vandhyatva).
Ayurveda is safer and an effective natural treatment for blocked fallopian tubes. There are certain cases where ayurvedic therapy of uttara basti with kumara taila has shown significant results in treating the blocked fallopian tubes.
Causes Of Blocked Fallopian Tubes
There are many causes of blocked fallopian tubes, some of them are as follows-
- pelvic inflammatory disease
- endometriosis
- certain infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea
- ectopic pregnancy
- fibroids
- any abdominal surgery in the past
Symptoms Of Blocked Fallopian Tubes
Common symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes are-
Pelvic pain
Pain during intercourse
Stomach pain
Abnormal bowel motions
Urination distress
How Is Blocked Fallopian Tubes Diagnosed?
Hysterosalpingography or sonosalpingography test is used to diagnose unilateral or bilateral tubal blockage. It is an x-ray taken after injecting the dye.
The treatment in modern science is mainly surgery and use of chemical drugs.
Fallopian Tube Blockage Treatment Without Surgery Through Panchakarma-
Fallopian tube blockage treatment in Ayurveda is non invasive and very effective. The patient undergoes snehana with medicated oil followed by swedana on the lower abdomen, back and lower limbs. All these procedure must be carried out before uttara basti. Yoniprakshalan is a term used in Ayurveda for sterilizing the peri vaginal part. Certain decoction is used to perform this therapy. Later uttara basti is performed with medicated liquid.
Ayurvedic Drugs For Treating Blocked Tubes
The ayurvedic drugs are chosen on the basis of aggravated doshas. Thus drugs that have ushna-tikshna-sara-laghu-sukhma and pramathu  properties are able to treat the blockage. Some of the drugs used in Ayurveda are ashokarishta, dashmoolarishta, pushpadhanva rasa etc. herbs with anti- microbial properties enhances the immunity and fights against the infections.
Foods To Eat And Avoid
Food rich in vitamin C helps in treating the blockage caused due to infection. Avoid red meat and dairy product, sugar, gluten and say big NO to alcohol and tobacco. Include fresh organic fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Some of the natural treatment that is helpful to clear the tubes are-
-       Oil massage
-       Natural herbs
-       Regular yoga
-       Fertility massage
After the treatment for blocked fallopian tubes it is possible to get pregnant. The chances of pregnancy depends upon the severity of blockage and treatment method administered.
Aasha Ayurveda centre offers treatment for blocked fallopian tubes in Rajouri Garden. The most complicated conditions where modern medicine has failed, Ayurveda has shown significant results. The natural treatment offered unblocks the fallopian tubes easily and restores fertility. Fallopian tube treatment in Delhi by Dr Chanchal Sharma has allowed many women get pregnant by naturally opening the fallopian tubes. 
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