PCOS: Introduction, Causes, Herbs, Effective Tips and Panchakarma treatment | 9811773770

In this article, you will get to know
·         What Is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?
·         What Causes PCOS?
·         Common PCOS Symptoms
·         Natural Herbs To Treat PCOS
·         Effective Tips To Fight PCOS
·         Panchakarma Treatment For PCOS
What Is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?
PCOS is a medical condition in which a woman’s hormone levels are affected. Women with PCOS generate male hormones higher than normal. This change causes irregular periods or sometimes missing their periods.  Know about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Treatment In Delhi
PCOS may cause baldness or hair growth on the body or face. The improper change in hormones may cause other long-term problems such as heart diseases or diabetes.
This hormonal misbalance affects women usually between the ages of 15 and 44 (during childbearing years). The reproductive organs and woman’s ovaries are affected by PCOS. Progesterone and estrogen hormones—which regulate the menstrual cycle—are also affected. Androgens, a male hormone, is also produced by ovaries in a small amount.
Hormonal imbalance may also cause infertility issues in women. The eggs are released by the ovaries so that a man’s sperm can fertilize them. The ovaries release an egg each month; this process is called ovulation.
Ovulation is controlled by luteinizing hormone (LH) control and Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). FSH triggers the ovary to generate a sac that contains an egg. LH stimulates the ovary to dispense a mature egg. In PCOS, many tiny, fluid-filled sacs take place inside ovaries. Actually, the sacs are follicles; each of them contains an immature egg.  Therefore, the eggs never mature and fertilization does not take place and infertility occurs.
Three usual features of PCOS are:
·         High amounts of male hormones
·         Cysts in ovaries
·         Skipped or irregular periods
What Causes PCOS?
Doctors do not exactly know the causes of PCOS. They assume that high levels of male hormones obstruct the proper functioning of the ovaries; therefore, they do not make eggs normally.
It is said that inflammation, insulin resistance and genes contribute to excess androgen, a male hormone, production.
·         Inflammation
Women with PCOS often complain an increased inflammation in the body. Overweight may also contribute to inflammation. Excess inflammation has been linked to higher androgen levels by several studies.
·         Insulin Resistance
Studies show that insulin resistance is found in up to 70 percent of women having PCOS. Means insulin is not used properly by their cells.
The body demands more insulin when the cells fail to use insulin properly. And to compensate, the pancreas produce more insulin. An excessive amount of insulin stimulates the ovaries to release more male hormones. A big cause of insulin resistance is obesity. Insulin resistance and obesity both might also enhance the risk of type 2 diabetes.
·         Genes
You are more likely to have PCOS if your mother or sister had it. It runs in families, as per studies. Therefore, it is thought genes somewhere also play a role in it.
Common PCOS Symptoms
A few women get to notice the symptoms at the beginning of their periods. Many notice when they cannot get pregnant or have put on a lot of weight. Some common PCOS symptoms are listed below:
·         Increased bleeding
·         Irregular periods
·         Hair growth on face or body
·         Weight gain
·         Acne
·         Thinning hair
Natural Herbs To Treat PCOS
In Ayurvedic treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), natural herbs and/or therapies are used. Improper regulation of insulin stimulates the production of a male hormone called androgens. Natural herbs for PCOS aid in balancing hormones in the body. Get first appointment for Pcos Treatment In Ayurveda
Talk with an Ayurvedic doctor before trying any herbal treatment. For more information, you can communicate with doctors in Aasha Ayurveda clinic, situated in Rajouri Garden in Delhi.
Contact number: +91- 9811773770; Website: www.aashaayurveda.com
Natural herbs to treat PCOS are:
·         Ashwagandha
·         Maca Root
·         Licorice Root
·         Holy Basil
·         Chaste Berry
·         Tribulus Terrestris
·         Berberine
·         Turmeric
·         Cinnamon
Effective Tips To Fight PCOS
·         Dietary changes: A nourishing diet is useful in regulating hormones and the menstrual cycle. Adding vegetables, dairy products, fruit and dry fruits to your diet can provide all essential nutrients to your body to function properly.
·         Increase your iron intake: some women with PCOS suffer heavy bleeding during their menses. It may cause anemia or iron deficiency. Talk to your doctor about it, so that he can suggest some iron supplement as per your requirements.
·    Increase your magnesium intake: In women with PCOS, magnesium deficiency is common. Magnesium is known to reduce diabetic risk, improve inflammation and insulin resistance.
·         Reduce your coffee intake: cutting down your coffee intake renders several benefits such as better sleep, better absorption of nutrients, balanced hormones—as it might affect estrogen levels—and lower blood pressure.
Panchakarma Treatment For PCOS
Success rates of Panchakarma therapy for PCOS are known to be high. This Ayurvedic treatment works on the imbalances of hormones in the body. Panchakarma helps the patient get rid of the toxins in the body in order to regulate hormones and increase fertility chances.
Panchakarma therapy is powerful in treating infertility issues not only in women but also in men. It helps improve the quality and quantity of a man’s sperm.
Panchakarma therapy includes:
·         Vamana: In this process, the body gets rid of the toxins through vomiting. The doctor gives an emetic medicine to the patient to induce vomiting.
·     Virechana: Virechana is cleansing of bowels using a laxative to remove toxins.
·         Nasya: In this, medicated oil is inserted into the nostrils.
·         Basti: It is cleansing of the rectum.
·         Raktamoskshana: It is a cleansing of the blood.
Studies show Panchakarma therapy has successfully treated many PCOS patients. You can avail of Panchakarma treatment for PCOS in Aasha Ayurveda at Rajouri Garden in Delhi. Contact +91- 9811773770.
Panchakarma treatment increases fertility rates in women and helps them become pregnant. This Ayurvedic treatment is also beneficial in opening the fallopian tubes, balancing hormones, improving metabolism and strengthening the immune system.

For More Information, Call Us:  +91 9811773770
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