9 Natural Ayurvedic Ways To Treat Blocked Fallopian Tubes | 9811773770

It is a natural instinct to have children. Being unable to have children causes stress in both partners. And there has always been some social pressure to have children as parents and parents-in-law also have an expectation from the couple to have children.
For a few women, it becomes difficult to conceive as they or their partners suffer infertility issues. In this article, we are talking about one common factor for infertility in women—that is blocked fallopian tubes.
What Are The Fallopian Tubes?                                                                           
Fallopian tubes are part of the female reproductive system. They connect ovaries and the uterus. Each month during ovulation—which happens usually in the middle of a menstrual cycle— an egg travels down from the ovaries to the uterus.
Conception takes place in the fallopian tubes as the egg waits to be fertilized there. After fertilization, the egg goes down to the uterus and sticks to the linings of the uterus where it further grows.
With a blocked fallopian tube, the passage for sperm to reach the egg and for the egg to reach the uterus is obstructed. And this causes infertility in women.
Causes Of Fallopian Tubes Blockage
Fallopian tubal blockage may happen due to the following reasons:
·         Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a medical condition in which the linings of the uterus overgrow to the other areas of the uterus such as ovaries, fallopian tubes and along the pelvis. This results in fallopian tubal blockage.
·         Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Pelvic inflammatory disease or PID is an infection in the organs of a female’s reproductive system. The organs include ovaries, the uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes. A common reason for PID is a Sexually Transmitted infection (STI) such as Gonorrhea or Chlamydia. It is treated with antibiotics.
·         Fibroids
Fibroids that are non-cancerous growths grow in or around the uterus. They are made up of fibrous tissues and muscle. They can vary in size. Fibroids are usually not harmful but sometimes may lead to complications like anemia, fatigue or heavy blood loss.
·         Scarring In The Fallopian Tubes
Scarring in the fallopian tubes can cause infertility issues because it obstructs the path to the uterus for the egg. Ectopic pregnancies or abdominal surgery might be responsible for scars in the fallopian tubes.
Symptoms Of Blocked Fallopian Tubes
Blocked fallopian tubes do not often show any symptoms. Therefore, it becomes difficult for women to know if they have blocked fallopian tubes.
But in some cases, some regular and mild pain might be felt on one side of the abdomen.  If a woman is having difficulty in conception, she must consult the doctor to find out the right reason behind it.
Natural/ Ayurvedic Ways To Treat Blocked Fallopian Tubes
You may like to try some Ayurvedic ways to unblock Blocked Fallopian Tubes or reduce inflammation in the tubes. These natural remedies, however not claimed scientifically proven, have been popular among people. Ayurveda treats infertility in both males and females by using herbs, therapies and dietary changes.
1.   Turmeric
Turmeric is a well-known natural anti-inflammatory Ayurvedic medicine. The active ingredient in turmeric named curcumin has been known to reduce inflammation. Curcumin is also available in supplement form. You can have a turmeric drink or add it to your foods.

When taken in small doses, turmeric has no side-effect. However, if the dose quantity grows more than 8 grams per day, it may have adverse effects. It is good and safe to consult an Ayurvedic doctor.
2.   Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a good source to strengthen your immune system. It is also helpful in reducing inflammation. It is thought to be helpful in healing scars and could have good  effects in the fallopian tubes.
3.   Ginger
A natural anti-inflammatory, Ginger is commonly used at home. It has multiple benefits. No scientific evidence claims that ginger can unblock fallopian tubes, but it may have some positive effects due to its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
4.   Lodhra
It is a common Ayurvedic treatment. Lodhra is sometimes advised to unblock the fallopian tubes and boost fertility.
5.   Garlic
Garlic is a powerful Ayurvedic medicine. It is often recommended to boost fertility and unblock the fallopian tubes. Even if you are going for natural treatment, it is advisable to consult an Ayurvedic doctor.
6.   Ginseng
Some Eastern and natural doctors prescribe ginseng to enhance fertility. It is often called the king of all herbs. It is thought to improve sperm quality and benefit fertility in women too.
7.   Vaginal Streaming
Vaginal streaming is an alternative treatment that has recently come up in popularity. It is supposed to treat several conditions such as infertility, menstrual cramps. Some also recommend it for treating blocked fallopian tubes.
But there is also a contradictory belief, some say streaming the vagina might lead to an infection or burn or might even harm your fertility. So, acquire adequate knowledge before going for any natural treatment.
8.   Fertility Massage
Some medical practitioners also suggest fertility massages to treat the blocked tubes. It usually includes massage on the abdominal area with warm oils. A massage is an effective way to enhance blood circulation in the body.
9.   Herbal Tampons
Herbal tampons are also available to treat infertility issues in women. An herbal tampon, which contains some herb, is inserted into the vagina.
But keep this in your mind that before using herbal tampons, you must investigate the herb and also consult a licensed practitioner.
However, there is no scientific evidence that these ways will surely unblock the fallopian tubes but there are women to whom these ways have helped in their pregnancies. You are advised to consult a licensed practitioner or an Ayurvedic doctor before acting on the suggested ways.

Ayurvedic Doctor at Aasha Ayurveda centre specializes in ayurvedic treatment for Infertility, PCOD, fallopian tubal blockage, psoriasis, migraine with the Kerala Panchakarma therapy & medicines.
For More Information, Call Us:  +91 9811773770
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