Can You Get Pregnant with a Blocked Fallopian Tube? | Aasha Ayurveda - 9811773770
Can you expect to receive water from a pipe that is blocked? The answer is off course NO. In the same way, one can’t get pregnant with both the fallopian tubes blocked unless treated. However one may get pregnant with one of the tubes blocked. To understand this lets first discuss the process of fertilization and the role of fallopian tubes. Fertilization takes place when a sperm meets the egg. The eggs in a woman is released from ovaries and fallopian tubes acts as a pathway where fertilization takes place. Blocked fallopian tubes is one of the common cause of infertility. There might be a partial blockage which increases the chances of tubal pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy. It is possible to get pregnant naturally with blocked fallopian tubes . This may sound impossible, as there is no clear pathway for the eggs. In some cases the blockage may be due to inflammation, abnormal growth and mucus obstruction. Such situations can easily be treated through natural therapies. Ay...