
Showing posts from December, 2019

Can You Get Pregnant with a Blocked Fallopian Tube? | Aasha Ayurveda - 9811773770

Can you expect to receive water from a pipe that is blocked? The answer is off course NO. In the same way, one can’t get pregnant with both the fallopian tubes blocked unless treated. However one may get pregnant with one of the tubes blocked. To understand this lets first discuss the process of fertilization and the role of fallopian tubes. Fertilization takes place when a sperm meets the egg. The eggs in a woman is released from ovaries and fallopian tubes acts as a pathway where fertilization takes place. Blocked fallopian tubes is one of the common cause of infertility. There might be a partial blockage which increases the chances of tubal pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy. It is possible to get pregnant naturally with blocked fallopian tubes . This may sound impossible, as there is no clear pathway for the eggs. In some cases the blockage may be due to inflammation, abnormal growth and mucus obstruction. Such situations can easily be treated through natural therapies. Ay

Natural Ways to Boost Fertility | Aasha Ayurveda

Natural Ways to Boost Fertility | Aasha Ayurveda  All married women strongly desire to conceive a child at some point of their reproductive lifetime. Factors such as age, weight, life style, medical therapies/conditions, hormonal disorder, pollution etc has a negative effects in the conception in couples. Thus through the lens of ayurveda one can adapt the natural ways to boost fertility . Due to social, environmental, psychological and nutritional factors there are growing number of cases of infertility. The science of Ayurveda introduces us to many natural ways of infertility treatment as well as boosting fertility in the individuals.  Cause of infertility may lie in both or either of the couple. Menstrual cycle which directly depends upon diet, mental status, life style, physical exercise and stress reflects major part of the reproductive health of a woman. These factors results in imbalance of doshas i.e  vata, pitta, kapha. The vitiated doshas may lead to infertili

गर्भाशय की नलिका Fallopian Tube खोलने के लिए आयुर्वेदिक उपचार !

ये कहानी हैं कल्पना यादव की जिन्होंने फॉलोपियन टूब खोलने का इलाज करवाया आशा आयुर्वेदा से. इन्होने फॉलोपियन टूब को खोलने का तरीके की जानकारी यूट्यूब पर प्राप्त कर आशा आयुर्वेदा को सम्पर्क किया और एक सफल इलाज पाकर संतुष्ट हुए।  डॉक्टर ने इनकी गर्भ की नली खोलने के उपाय जो की आयुर्वेद में हैं वर्णित हैं के अनुशार इनका इलाज किया और सफलता पायी। अब कल्पना यादव व उनके पति इस इलाज की सफलता से बहुत प्रसन है   At the end of the treatment, both her tubes were found open in #HSG. We felt overjoyed. If you are looking for #fallopiantubeblockage  #treatment #withoutsurgery, I would say you must visit Aasha Ayurveda. What I found so good about this #Ayurvedictreatment is it is done without surgery and it is less expensive than other treatment options. And the #successrates are higher. If you are suffering any infertility issues, consult Dr Chanchal Sharma. She has successfully treated many patients with #infertilityissues. And the staff is so supportive and cooperative. They give much importance to

Top 8 ways to Increase Sperm Count to Reduce Male Infertility| Aasha Ayurveda

What Is Male Infertility? A male is called infertile when he fails to impregnate his female partner with frequent and unprotected sex for a year or longer. The health of the sperm is important for male infertility. Things that include health of sperm are: Sperm motility:  Sperm motility refers to the movement of the sperm. The sperm must move properly in order to reach the egg and fertilize it. An  increase in sperm motility  can help increase fertility rates. Sperm count:  Men with low sperm count often suffer male infertility. Semen volume:  Semen volume takes the sperm to the egg through the female reproductive tract. Sperm morphology:  Sperm morphology refers to the structure and shape of the sperm. The structure and shape of the sperm also play a key role in male fertility. What Causes Male Infertility? There are several  causes of male infertility . Some of them are mentioned below: Hormonal imbalance:  Hormonal imbalance can disturb the functioning of